Thursday, January 17, 2008

Esthetic improvements to our fair city

For a time, I lived in Denver CO. One thing I was always impressed with was their attention to detail when it came to how their streets looked. Take the fact that the city is basically in the middle of a barren plain, yet at most of their intersections (especially in the affluent suburbs) there is a menagerie of rocks and plants, carefully maintained by an irrigation system. This is at their intersections... in each corner. Add to this their good looking street signs. Now I know what your thinking, street signs, but as a designer I notice these things, and the Denver area street signs are spectacular to say the least. Not only do they look like they could withstand a hurricane, but they are modern and the street names are backlit. Yes, yes, yes, and they probably cost a fortune.

Here in Chicago and her surrounding suburbs, we have nothing like this. Even our newest street signs and lamps look like they came from the discount bin of an 80's move rummage sale. Even downtown, they street signs are dismal. I know the mayor has done lots and spent plenty of taxpayer dollars to beautify Chicago, but still more must be done I say! Get those backlit street signs and continue to transform downtown into a modern marvel.

Illinois does have something that I have not seen anywhere else, in fact it’s in Arlington Heights. On Algonquin road at the intersection of Golf I believe, when turning left, lights in the road illuminate to guide drivers to stay in their lanes. At first I was taken back at how nice this looked, but when I actually had to use it, I was impressed at how efficiently it kept us in our lanes. I feel these should be added to the streets as well.

Next up, pay-phones. Where did all the pay-phones go?? People don't use them because everyone has a mobile now. Apparently they are being phased out. Regardless of this, I think it’s a shame that we don't have more pay phones around the city; I would go so far as to say it’s a hazard not to have more, especially in case of emergencies. Take these beautiful German phones for example. Now those are some good looking phones! These happen to be own and operated by T-Mobile. So why not let the big cellular companies get in on some pay phone action around the city, to hell with AT&T anyway. The phones should be able to take credit card/phone cards as well as provide internet access, for a price of course.

Finally, we need some new bridges downtown. This I'm very adamant on. I know the big bulbous riveted bridges are an iconic part of Chicago, but I think its time for those ugly things to go. And when you think of what happened last year in Minnesota, we can’t afford to have ill designed or maintained bridges. I say commission an architect to design new, modern ones, maybe with lights underneath or if you want to get crazy, video footage on large screen that can display design patterns on the water. Just some ideas.

When the mayor cleaned up downtown and added the flowers in the center of Michigan Ave, as well as many other esthetic improvements on the city, look what happened! Many more people moved to downtown, we even stole Boeing from Seattle! Let’s keep improving Chicago and we will surely grow and prosper.

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