Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama Reverses Bush Stem Cell Policy

WASHINGTON (March 9) – President Barack Obama on Monday cleared the way for a significant increase in federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research and promised no scientific data will be "distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda."

Finally. This is great news for America. While private companies have been able to research stem cells, up until now, there has been no government funding in this area. All that has changed, which city is going to be the Silicon Valley of genetic research? Obviously I'm hoping its going to be Chicago. As I've stated in previous posts, I believe there are a range of issues, social, financial and urban, that are on the cusp of change throughout the United States, and whatever city or mega-region embraces these inevitable changes first is going to gain a great foothold in an ever transforming and competitive global economy.

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