Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Outdoor Digital Advertising

The market is growing rapidly, and the prices of large LED screens is dropping all the time, yet Chicago seems devoid of outdoor advertising. Why? The most I have seen is print advertising in bus stops. I don't think Chicago needs or wants anything as over saturated as say, Times Square, however, it seems like there is plenty to be made in the way of advertising dollars for the buildings. Not to mention the jobs it would create for motion designers in the city.

Beyond this no brainer of an idea. Think of the multitude of unique places Chicago has that creatively placed, well designed motion advertising can be placed. Chicago has bridges, rivers, the lake front, an elevated train system... I mean come on! Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should cover every surface with LED screens selling us crap we don't need. Nor do I think all advertising is bad. I do think though, that this is a missed opportunity to generate much needed revenue for the city.

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