Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Would it be so bad... allow a truly world class casino to be built downtown? Nothing gaudy like Circus Circus, or over themed like the Luxor and its ilk. Something more along the lines of the Wynn or the Belagio. There would have to be stipulations mind you, namely that it would have to be a hotel/resort/casino. Super-tall if possible. And why not? It would be a great source of tax revenue for the city, and if it was a hit, would most assuredly draw in people from the surrounding regions. Also, out of towner's would have yet another attraction to experience. Lastly it would add yet another beautiful, glass clad skyscraper to the mix.

Critics argue that those who can ill afford to gamble with their money would do so anyway, further widening the gap between rich and poor, yet look at Las Vegas. I don't see homeless, destitute gambles by the tens of thousands.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Outdoor Digital Advertising

The market is growing rapidly, and the prices of large LED screens is dropping all the time, yet Chicago seems devoid of outdoor advertising. Why? The most I have seen is print advertising in bus stops. I don't think Chicago needs or wants anything as over saturated as say, Times Square, however, it seems like there is plenty to be made in the way of advertising dollars for the buildings. Not to mention the jobs it would create for motion designers in the city.

Beyond this no brainer of an idea. Think of the multitude of unique places Chicago has that creatively placed, well designed motion advertising can be placed. Chicago has bridges, rivers, the lake front, an elevated train system... I mean come on! Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should cover every surface with LED screens selling us crap we don't need. Nor do I think all advertising is bad. I do think though, that this is a missed opportunity to generate much needed revenue for the city.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Great Chicago Building resource

This link below shows a scale relation of the great buildings of Chicago.


The site itself, is a great resource for any architecture buff. Worth taking a look at in my opinion.

Also worth a look if you have the time is the Berzon Development Database. A great listing of most proposed, approved and under construction buildings in Chicago.